Orienteering Event near Syndicate Place, Utah

Checkpoint Challenges Customer Photo No need to wait for a scheduled event! With this innovative approach to orienteering, your smartphone serves as both map and compass, letting you enjoy our courses anytime you like.

Checkpoint Challenges

About Checkpoint Challenges

Do you like taking walks in the park or hiking but wish you could engage your mind too?

Set off on an extraordinary outdoor adventure with Checkpoint Challenges. Improve your map reading expertise as you navigate your own path between checkpoints!

Orienteering in the Digital Age...

Much like traditional orienteering, each course consists of a series of points on a map that must be visited in sequence. Participants choose their routes between checkpoints and return to the Start. However, instead of using a large paper map, your smartphone will display only the current map segment with a compass overlay, progress updates, and hints to avoid getting lost.

Select your own time and pace...

No need to wait for club meetings as our courses are available whenever you're ready. Engage in competitive action with rankings for each leg or enjoy as a recreational activity. This enriching outdoor pursuit is perfect for any active person or adventurous group.

Checkpoint Challenges Syndicate Place

What are people saying about Checkpoint Challenges?

Customer Reviews

Great idea! Can't wait to see more locations added.
Went with my teenage kids and they were really intrigued and want to do this again. Novel way to enjoy the fresh air!
Yes, I got lost, but I was soon back on track! I loved the whole experience but especially the helpful warning when I got too far off course :-)
Image © Checkpoint Challenges Customer

Checkpoint Challenges Highlights

  • Anytime
  • Race
  • Team building
  • Competition
  • Flat rate price
  • Physical
  • Contest
  • Running
  • No reservations
  • Individuals or groups
  • Challenging
  • Compass Reading
  • Enriching
  • Checkpoints
  • Outdoors
  • GPS
  • Active

It has been found that in the 8-week period, improvement was observed only in the Orienteering Group in terms of body weight, test completion time, coordination, and anaerobic power, and deterioration was observed only in the Control Group in terms of BMI and balance. A significant improvement was observed in the Orienteering Group participants in terms of aerobic capacity, which was also significantly more than that of the Control Group.
National Institute of Health
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Liberty Park, Liberty Park Pool, Salt Lake City, UT


Orienteering Event

Garden Towers Condominium Orienteering Event Roseland Addition Orienteering Event Yalecrest Park Orienteering Event Woodmansee Orienteering Event New England Condominium Orienteering Event City Crest Condominium Orienteering Event South Main Street Addition Orienteering Event The Avenues Condominium Orienteering Event Burton Acres Orienteering Event Burton Place Orienteering Event The Avenues Hertiage Condominium Orienteering Event Somerset Garden Condominium Orienteering Event Mcintyre Building Condominium Orienteering Event West Temple Addition Orienteering Event Dieter And Johnson Main Street Addition Orienteering Event Westminster Park Orienteering Event Fountain Place Orienteering Event Rural Orienteering Event Wellington Addition Orienteering Event Bonneville Tower Condominium Orienteering Event Dolans Orienteering Event Gabbotts Addition Orienteering Event Mandolin Condominium Orienteering Event The Terraces Condominium Orienteering Event Cobble Knoll Condominium Orienteering Event Coates And Corums South Gale Orienteering Event Burr Oak Addition Orienteering Event Vogue Park Orienteering Event Foxs Orienteering Event Herrick Orienteering Event Carlton Towers Condominium Orienteering Event Canyon Road Towers Condominium Orienteering Event Remington Park Orienteering Event North Columbia Orienteering Event Kimballs Orienteering Event Wilmington Orienteering Event Jordan Park Orienteering Event Winfield Orienteering Event Mon De Ville Condominium Orienteering Event Thorn Orienteering Event West Grand View Orienteering Event Westmoreland Place Orienteering Event Gateway Condominium Orienteering Event Webb And Palmers Addition Orienteering Event Dorius Building Condominium Orienteering Event Holland Orienteering Event Williams Orienteering Event Quayles Addition Orienteering Event Brooklyn Orienteering Event Yale Park Orienteering Event South Salt Lake Orienteering Event Edwards Orienteering Event Jefferson Street Orienteering Event Sugar House Orienteering Event West Drive Orienteering Event Victory Village Orienteering Event Ontario Orienteering Event Dunford Orienteering Event Salt Lake City Orienteering Event Jackson Condominium Orienteering Event Granite Orienteering Event Oxford Manor Condominium Orienteering Event American Towers Condominium Orienteering Event Dotson Orienteering Event Third And M Townhouse Condominium Orienteering Event Larson Orienteering Event Westwood Park Orienteering Event Geneva Addition Orienteering Event Davis Sharp And Stringer Orienteering Event Forest Dale Orienteering Event Victorian Condominium Orienteering Event Yalecrest Heights Orienteering Event Temple View Orienteering Event Kimball Condominium Orienteering Event Mayflower Condominium Orienteering Event Wahoo Orienteering Event South Boulevard Orienteering Event American Plaza Condominium Orienteering Event Watkins Addition Orienteering Event Mellen Orienteering Event Clark Learning Office Center Orienteering Event Syndicate Place Orienteering Event The Wilshire Condo Orienteering Event Hunters Orienteering Event Windsor Place Orienteering Event Wood Hollow Condo Orienteering Event Walkers Orienteering Event Cambridge Condominium Orienteering Event Waterloo Addition Orienteering Event Glenn Orienteering Event The Maryland Condominium Orienteering Event Woodbury Orienteering Event Whitaker Orienteering Event Franklin Orienteering Event Richland Orienteering Event New London Orienteering Event West Boulevard Orienteering Event Westminster Heights Orienteering Event Stewarts Addition Orienteering Event Edwards Orienteering Event

Orienteering Club

Forest Dale Orienteering Club City Crest Condominium Orienteering Club Jefferson Street Orienteering Club American Towers Condominium Orienteering Club Mayflower Condominium Orienteering Club Burton Acres Orienteering Club Roseland Addition Orienteering Club Fountain Place Orienteering Club Salt Lake City Orienteering Club Foxs Orienteering Club Winfield Orienteering Club Brooklyn Orienteering Club Whitaker Orienteering Club The Wilshire Condo Orienteering Club Jackson Condominium Orienteering Club West Boulevard Orienteering Club Cambridge Condominium Orienteering Club Walkers Orienteering Club Westminster Park Orienteering Club The Maryland Condominium Orienteering Club Wahoo Orienteering Club Third And M Townhouse Condominium Orienteering Club South Main Street Addition Orienteering Club Wilmington Orienteering Club Quayles Addition Orienteering Club Wood Hollow Condo Orienteering Club New London Orienteering Club Edwards Orienteering Club Temple View Orienteering Club Dorius Building Condominium Orienteering Club Dieter And Johnson Main Street Addition Orienteering Club Windsor Place Orienteering Club Burton Place Orienteering Club American Plaza Condominium Orienteering Club Gabbotts Addition Orienteering Club Clark Learning Office Center Orienteering Club Davis Sharp And Stringer Orienteering Club Herrick Orienteering Club Dotson Orienteering Club Westwood Park Orienteering Club Geneva Addition Orienteering Club Victorian Condominium Orienteering Club Edwards Orienteering Club Somerset Garden Condominium Orienteering Club Dunford Orienteering Club Hunters Orienteering Club Thorn Orienteering Club Granite Orienteering Club The Avenues Condominium Orienteering Club West Grand View Orienteering Club Kimballs Orienteering Club Vogue Park Orienteering Club West Temple Addition Orienteering Club Franklin Orienteering Club Woodbury Orienteering Club Williams Orienteering Club Gateway Condominium Orienteering Club Rural Orienteering Club Yalecrest Heights Orienteering Club Carlton Towers Condominium Orienteering Club Wellington Addition Orienteering Club Cobble Knoll Condominium Orienteering Club Woodmansee Orienteering Club Kimball Condominium Orienteering Club South Boulevard Orienteering Club West Drive Orienteering Club Holland Orienteering Club Syndicate Place Orienteering Club Stewarts Addition Orienteering Club Mcintyre Building Condominium Orienteering Club Bonneville Tower Condominium Orienteering Club Richland Orienteering Club Glenn Orienteering Club Oxford Manor Condominium Orienteering Club Canyon Road Towers Condominium Orienteering Club Garden Towers Condominium Orienteering Club South Salt Lake Orienteering Club Yalecrest Park Orienteering Club Victory Village Orienteering Club Westminster Heights Orienteering Club Webb And Palmers Addition Orienteering Club Coates And Corums South Gale Orienteering Club Watkins Addition Orienteering Club Jordan Park Orienteering Club Sugar House Orienteering Club The Terraces Condominium Orienteering Club North Columbia Orienteering Club Mandolin Condominium Orienteering Club Waterloo Addition Orienteering Club New England Condominium Orienteering Club Westmoreland Place Orienteering Club Remington Park Orienteering Club Ontario Orienteering Club Dolans Orienteering Club Burr Oak Addition Orienteering Club Mon De Ville Condominium Orienteering Club Larson Orienteering Club Yale Park Orienteering Club The Avenues Hertiage Condominium Orienteering Club Mellen Orienteering Club

Orienteering Meet

Dorius Building Condominium Orienteering Meet Wellington Addition Orienteering Meet Victory Village Orienteering Meet Westminster Park Orienteering Meet Roseland Addition Orienteering Meet Stewarts Addition Orienteering Meet Westwood Park Orienteering Meet Whitaker Orienteering Meet Mellen Orienteering Meet Kimballs Orienteering Meet Westminster Heights Orienteering Meet Carlton Towers Condominium Orienteering Meet Glenn Orienteering Meet Richland Orienteering Meet Oxford Manor Condominium Orienteering Meet Walkers Orienteering Meet Davis Sharp And Stringer Orienteering Meet Cambridge Condominium Orienteering Meet Mandolin Condominium Orienteering Meet Thorn Orienteering Meet Foxs Orienteering Meet Gateway Condominium Orienteering Meet Yalecrest Heights Orienteering Meet Victorian Condominium Orienteering Meet Burr Oak Addition Orienteering Meet Mon De Ville Condominium Orienteering Meet West Grand View Orienteering Meet Vogue Park Orienteering Meet Brooklyn Orienteering Meet Woodbury Orienteering Meet Forest Dale Orienteering Meet Dolans Orienteering Meet Syndicate Place Orienteering Meet Fountain Place Orienteering Meet Hunters Orienteering Meet Winfield Orienteering Meet West Boulevard Orienteering Meet American Towers Condominium Orienteering Meet Wood Hollow Condo Orienteering Meet Burton Place Orienteering Meet Temple View Orienteering Meet City Crest Condominium Orienteering Meet South Main Street Addition Orienteering Meet Kimball Condominium Orienteering Meet Herrick Orienteering Meet West Drive Orienteering Meet South Salt Lake Orienteering Meet Dotson Orienteering Meet Quayles Addition Orienteering Meet Mayflower Condominium Orienteering Meet The Avenues Hertiage Condominium Orienteering Meet Wahoo Orienteering Meet Dunford Orienteering Meet Waterloo Addition Orienteering Meet Cobble Knoll Condominium Orienteering Meet New London Orienteering Meet Wilmington Orienteering Meet Bonneville Tower Condominium Orienteering Meet Larson Orienteering Meet American Plaza Condominium Orienteering Meet Yalecrest Park Orienteering Meet The Avenues Condominium Orienteering Meet Watkins Addition Orienteering Meet Remington Park Orienteering Meet Franklin Orienteering Meet Burton Acres Orienteering Meet Mcintyre Building Condominium Orienteering Meet Geneva Addition Orienteering Meet Edwards Orienteering Meet Somerset Garden Condominium Orienteering Meet Coates And Corums South Gale Orienteering Meet Woodmansee Orienteering Meet The Wilshire Condo Orienteering Meet Jordan Park Orienteering Meet Canyon Road Towers Condominium Orienteering Meet Yale Park Orienteering Meet Ontario Orienteering Meet Rural Orienteering Meet Jackson Condominium Orienteering Meet Salt Lake City Orienteering Meet Sugar House Orienteering Meet Westmoreland Place Orienteering Meet Edwards Orienteering Meet Dieter And Johnson Main Street Addition Orienteering Meet The Maryland Condominium Orienteering Meet Granite Orienteering Meet South Boulevard Orienteering Meet Garden Towers Condominium Orienteering Meet Gabbotts Addition Orienteering Meet The Terraces Condominium Orienteering Meet Webb And Palmers Addition Orienteering Meet Clark Learning Office Center Orienteering Meet New England Condominium Orienteering Meet Williams Orienteering Meet North Columbia Orienteering Meet Third And M Townhouse Condominium Orienteering Meet Holland Orienteering Meet Jefferson Street Orienteering Meet Windsor Place Orienteering Meet West Temple Addition Orienteering Meet

Map And Compass Reading

Windsor Place Map And Compass Reading Mcintyre Building Condominium Map And Compass Reading Wood Hollow Condo Map And Compass Reading Larson Map And Compass Reading Granite Map And Compass Reading Carlton Towers Condominium Map And Compass Reading Dotson Map And Compass Reading Remington Park Map And Compass Reading Temple View Map And Compass Reading Walkers Map And Compass Reading Salt Lake City Map And Compass Reading Garden Towers Condominium Map And Compass Reading Williams Map And Compass Reading Quayles Addition Map And Compass Reading Edwards Map And Compass Reading Jefferson Street Map And Compass Reading Fountain Place Map And Compass Reading City Crest Condominium Map And Compass Reading Whitaker Map And Compass Reading Victory Village Map And Compass Reading Thorn Map And Compass Reading West Drive Map And Compass Reading Brooklyn Map And Compass Reading The Avenues Condominium Map And Compass Reading Westwood Park Map And Compass Reading Yalecrest Heights Map And Compass Reading Victorian Condominium Map And Compass Reading Burton Acres Map And Compass Reading Hunters Map And Compass Reading Wilmington Map And Compass Reading North Columbia Map And Compass Reading West Boulevard Map And Compass Reading Somerset Garden Condominium Map And Compass Reading The Avenues Hertiage Condominium Map And Compass Reading Glenn Map And Compass Reading Herrick Map And Compass Reading American Towers Condominium Map And Compass Reading Geneva Addition Map And Compass Reading West Grand View Map And Compass Reading Edwards Map And Compass Reading West Temple Addition Map And Compass Reading Westminster Heights Map And Compass Reading Gateway Condominium Map And Compass Reading Davis Sharp And Stringer Map And Compass Reading Mandolin Condominium Map And Compass Reading Dolans Map And Compass Reading Webb And Palmers Addition Map And Compass Reading Oxford Manor Condominium Map And Compass Reading Syndicate Place Map And Compass Reading Wahoo Map And Compass Reading Westmoreland Place Map And Compass Reading Watkins Addition Map And Compass Reading The Terraces Condominium Map And Compass Reading Winfield Map And Compass Reading New England Condominium Map And Compass Reading Dunford Map And Compass Reading Mon De Ville Condominium Map And Compass Reading Ontario Map And Compass Reading Franklin Map And Compass Reading Sugar House Map And Compass Reading American Plaza Condominium Map And Compass Reading South Main Street Addition Map And Compass Reading Bonneville Tower Condominium Map And Compass Reading Burr Oak Addition Map And Compass Reading Kimball Condominium Map And Compass Reading Kimballs Map And Compass Reading Jackson Condominium Map And Compass Reading Canyon Road Towers Condominium Map And Compass Reading Dieter And Johnson Main Street Addition Map And Compass Reading Woodbury Map And Compass Reading The Wilshire Condo Map And Compass Reading South Salt Lake Map And Compass Reading Jordan Park Map And Compass Reading Yalecrest Park Map And Compass Reading Coates And Corums South Gale Map And Compass Reading Mellen Map And Compass Reading Wellington Addition Map And Compass Reading Forest Dale Map And Compass Reading Holland Map And Compass Reading Mayflower Condominium Map And Compass Reading Third And M Townhouse Condominium Map And Compass Reading Rural Map And Compass Reading Gabbotts Addition Map And Compass Reading Richland Map And Compass Reading South Boulevard Map And Compass Reading The Maryland Condominium Map And Compass Reading Cambridge Condominium Map And Compass Reading Vogue Park Map And Compass Reading Westminster Park Map And Compass Reading Stewarts Addition Map And Compass Reading Foxs Map And Compass Reading New London Map And Compass Reading Dorius Building Condominium Map And Compass Reading Woodmansee Map And Compass Reading Waterloo Addition Map And Compass Reading Yale Park Map And Compass Reading Clark Learning Office Center Map And Compass Reading Burton Place Map And Compass Reading Roseland Addition Map And Compass Reading Cobble Knoll Condominium Map And Compass Reading

Navigation Sport

Webb And Palmers Addition Navigation Sport Mon De Ville Condominium Navigation Sport Burton Place Navigation Sport Windsor Place Navigation Sport Dunford Navigation Sport Third And M Townhouse Condominium Navigation Sport Brooklyn Navigation Sport Edwards Navigation Sport Dorius Building Condominium Navigation Sport Cambridge Condominium Navigation Sport Edwards Navigation Sport West Boulevard Navigation Sport Stewarts Addition Navigation Sport Wellington Addition Navigation Sport Holland Navigation Sport Williams Navigation Sport West Grand View Navigation Sport Herrick Navigation Sport Hunters Navigation Sport Westmoreland Place Navigation Sport Winfield Navigation Sport Cobble Knoll Condominium Navigation Sport Salt Lake City Navigation Sport Davis Sharp And Stringer Navigation Sport Jackson Condominium Navigation Sport Larson Navigation Sport Dieter And Johnson Main Street Addition Navigation Sport Quayles Addition Navigation Sport Remington Park Navigation Sport Wahoo Navigation Sport Dotson Navigation Sport Ontario Navigation Sport Canyon Road Towers Condominium Navigation Sport Westwood Park Navigation Sport West Drive Navigation Sport Mandolin Condominium Navigation Sport Yalecrest Heights Navigation Sport Richland Navigation Sport Waterloo Addition Navigation Sport Bonneville Tower Condominium Navigation Sport Temple View Navigation Sport Mcintyre Building Condominium Navigation Sport The Avenues Hertiage Condominium Navigation Sport Yalecrest Park Navigation Sport New London Navigation Sport Burr Oak Addition Navigation Sport City Crest Condominium Navigation Sport Clark Learning Office Center Navigation Sport Victorian Condominium Navigation Sport Foxs Navigation Sport American Towers Condominium Navigation Sport Walkers Navigation Sport South Main Street Addition Navigation Sport Whitaker Navigation Sport American Plaza Condominium Navigation Sport Mayflower Condominium Navigation Sport Roseland Addition Navigation Sport Yale Park Navigation Sport Fountain Place Navigation Sport Oxford Manor Condominium Navigation Sport Somerset Garden Condominium Navigation Sport Rural Navigation Sport New England Condominium Navigation Sport Dolans Navigation Sport The Wilshire Condo Navigation Sport North Columbia Navigation Sport Woodbury Navigation Sport South Salt Lake Navigation Sport Kimball Condominium Navigation Sport The Terraces Condominium Navigation Sport Wood Hollow Condo Navigation Sport Sugar House Navigation Sport Forest Dale Navigation Sport Franklin Navigation Sport Coates And Corums South Gale Navigation Sport Thorn Navigation Sport Glenn Navigation Sport Westminster Heights Navigation Sport Woodmansee Navigation Sport The Maryland Condominium Navigation Sport The Avenues Condominium Navigation Sport Wilmington Navigation Sport Syndicate Place Navigation Sport Vogue Park Navigation Sport Gateway Condominium Navigation Sport Burton Acres Navigation Sport Victory Village Navigation Sport Carlton Towers Condominium Navigation Sport Kimballs Navigation Sport Jordan Park Navigation Sport South Boulevard Navigation Sport Mellen Navigation Sport West Temple Addition Navigation Sport Geneva Addition Navigation Sport Westminster Park Navigation Sport Jefferson Street Navigation Sport Watkins Addition Navigation Sport Granite Navigation Sport Gabbotts Addition Navigation Sport Garden Towers Condominium Navigation Sport